Buttercup Farms Garden produces high quality fruit and vegetables through the use of agricultural practices that are environmentally sound and healthy. As such it has become a magnet for those who want to learn about the many aspects of small-scale production.
Our early participants came to us through word of mouth. But subsequent relationships with several other non-profits and local organizations have resulted in an enriched program for all.
In 2012, Buttercup Farms enrolled as a host farm with WWOOF-USA (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms). Through this connection, dozens of people of all ages have joined the farm for periods ranging from a weekend to an entire year. Participants from the United States mix with those who hail from over a dozen countries on five continents - all learning farm work with hands-on experiences and sharing cultural experiences.
Buttercup Farms began an association with MESA (Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture) in about 2008. Agriculture students in other countries come to the United States through MESA's stewardship program in order to obtain hands-on experiences with American farmers. Buttercup Farms has hosted outstanding students for up to a year at a time from Peru, South Korea, Japan and Malaysia.
buttercup farms GARDEN

The Buttercup Farms garden is in need of funding for a variety of projects. We are grateful for any donation you can afford to help continue our mission of growing local produce and providing people with a variety of challenges to do positive, meaningful work in a supportive and cooperative environment. We accept monetary or equipment donations. We are currently needing a small tractor with front-end loader. Your contribution is 100% tax deductible.
Judith Rose, Garden Manager, Buttercup Farms Organization